伍子胥与清明节没有关系清明节的由来:春秋时期,晋国内乱,发生宫廷斗争,晋国公子重耳被迫逃亡国外,一路上仅有十来个忠心耿耿的家臣跟随。一路上风餐露宿,食不果腹 。有一次,重耳又累又饿,晕了过去。他有个家臣叫介子推,居然从自己腿上割下了一块肉,
后羿射日英语故事 后羿射日动画片
参考范文如下:一、Long long ago,there were ten suns.Each day,one of them set out on his jouney across the sky,but one day all ten
Long long ago,there were ten suns.Each day,one of them set out on his jouney across the sky,but one day all ten suns set out together.As a result,the world was being destroyed by heat until Yi was sent to save the world.
Yi closed his eyes for some seconds because of the burning sunlight.Then he placed an arrow against the bow-string anddrew it to the full.Then he let go his arrow.A golden crow,one of the ten suns,was killed and fell down.
Still the earth was burning .Nine suns remained. The watchers were still blind with the pain of the heat.Yi loaded,drew and let go.When the ninth fell from the sky,Yi was told that the world needed one sun to give its warmth and light.Thus,the sky became clear and blue again.Since then,the only sun rises in the morning on his journey across the sky every day.
In lore after Yi with the goddess of the moon is the person of Yao time ,mythology says ,Yao time,on day,10 the suns at the same time appear in sky,it is burnt to roast land ,crops are withered and dry,people heat get pant however air come ,fall in faint on the ground do not wake up.Because the cause of extremely hot weather is some to blame poultry beast of prey ,is also from the place that dries up with flame forest in run ,in every place,cruelly injure people.The disaster of the world have alarmed the god on day,in day emperor frequently handsome order is good at archery after Yi go to the world ,help Yao the suffering except people.After Yi tape day emperor grant the bow with red one that gives him ,the arrow of a bag white colour,beautiful wife the goddess of the moon who still takes him arrives the world together.After Yi the fighting that has begun to shoot day immediately.He takes out white arrow from shoulder except taking off the bow with red that,one aly to arrogant the sun shoot ,instantly between 10 the suns have been shot 9,leave a the sun only because Yao thinks as people have advantage,after having just blocked Yi continuity shooting.This for is famous after Yi shoot the story of day.But after Yi great achievements,have gotten other gods is jealous ,they enter calunmy until day in emperor,make day emperor have drifted apart at last after Yi,demote him finally forever the world.Have gotten the song of member after Yi with wife the goddess of the moon have to live in seclusion in the world,after leaning Yi go hunting to make a living.
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